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Gods of Maize

I decided a while ago that my next project would be two low-poly, cartoony looking characters. However, I was having a hard time coming up with a concept for them.

One night, I dreamed I was in a corn field where everything was covered with corn kernels. The next day, I remembered that in some cultures maize was considered sacred. Both Aztecs and Mayans worshiped maize gods and had various myths surrounding this food crop. After doing more research on the subject, I realized that a god of corn would be an interesting and fun theme for a character...and that's how these little deities of maize were born!

While I only have a few ideas in mind, I'm already thinking of developing some sort of story with them. If I ever come up with something else I'll include it in this post.

Software used: 3ds Max + Photoshop
Concept and characters © Jone Celaya